Nike Human Race 8.31.08
I must admit I’m torn between two worlds right now. I’ll explain later. Nike+ Human Race is attempting, and will in all likelihood succeed in creating the largest race in the world. Around the world, runners will be racing a 10K. You can participate by either registering and running in one of their select cities, I believe there are 4 in the states and numerous others in countries around the world, or you can use your nike+ ipod to run your own 10K then upload your time to their site.
Now, getting back to my issue of being torn. It is very very difficult to find fault with giving people a reason to go outside and exercise with enthusiasm, and I feel Nike has done that. Here’s the issue I have. I really don’t like the fact you have to have an ipod, computer, internet connection, and a trendy consumer sense to participate. Using a cliche, I suppose it’s just the world we live in. But something just doesn’t seem right to me when I picture myself running past a poor neighborhood (vision: children stop their street soccer game to stare at me) with my $150 ipod and $100 Nike shoes on. Maybe I should ignore what those children don’t have, and ‘just do it.’