4 Reasons Why Our Generation Sucks
I’m probably not going to be making many new friends with this post, but it’s been on my mind for a while now and I feel I need to unload.
The generation I’m talking about is aged from 21-30 (more or less). I’m in the back-middle (28) if you need to know.
1. We romanticize hardcore partying. Perhaps all generations have fallen into this one, but I believe we’ve maxed it out. At least I hope. Here’s what I mean. Ask yourself what your parents did on a “crazy” night when they were in their early 20’s? I would venture a guess the MPAA would rate it closer to PG than your “crazy” night. It probably has to do with the fact that we enjoy story-telling with shock value. After all, there is no point in telling a boring story right? We don’t criticize our peers for a night of drunken stupidness and criminal behavior…instead we only tell their stories to our other friends who then repeats one of their own that will be sure to upstage the former. Why is this bad? It creates a paradigm of us that our elders constantly use against us, in turn killing any credibility we might have as a generation.
2. We grew the reality TV scene. Probably not the inventors, but we were the target market. Yes…I’m guilty too…but purely from a social experiment state of mind
3. We tried so hard to be cool, we forgot why we wanted to be cool. Hence…hipsters. We didn’t learn from our parents and we are still stuck in a material world. Damn…and I thought that wearing overly warm unzipped jackets and non-prescription eyeglasses was the solution. But it goes beyond hipsters…we justify and find reasons to be proud of being a redneck, proud of being an asshole, proud of being something that just 15 years ago we would never want to be.
4. I see no true rebellious activity. Instead we scrap around our repetitive weekday jobs and bitch about it. Return home to our shitty apartment or parent’s spare bedroom and do nothing about it. If there are those out there that have rebelled against this monotonous routine they are stronger than I, and the three I know about are truly happy. I hope someone stands up and makes their point on a mass scale someday.
There are more reasons, don’t have the ambition (reason #5) to finish anything right now. I will follow up with this in another post soon.