Samantha Brown…Nerd or Nice?
I figured why stop with Anthony Bourdain…let’s just get on a Travel Channel roll. Sweet sweet Samantha Brown. There should be a song about you. Running around high class hotels looking so beautiful in your bikini. You can find her travel channel site, ‘Passport to Great Weekends’ here.
Samantha was probably a class clown or nerd in high school. Always hanging out in the AV room talking about episodes of star trek and how good fruit stripe gum is. And really my only thinking behind that statement is the fact that she is so nice now. She’s not a fake nice like Andrew Zimmerman can be at times, but she’s legitimately kind…which is rare. And no popular girl in high school is that kind. My fantasy would be running into her in Prague as I was coming out of my hostel hungover, and I make a superior witty statement that she can’t stop laughing at then have lunch in an outdoor tent while she convinces me to spend the night in her Travel Channel approved 5 star hotel. You can fill in the rest. Love you SB!!!