September 20th, 2008 by Jordan

Falcon Guides is an outdoor adventurer’s guide book. They cover road biking, mountain biking, climbing, hiking, trails, camping, paddling, fishing, skiing, and even rockhounding…whatever the hell rockhounding is. I need to wiki that apparently. I got a look into one of their guidebooks, and they look very detailed and have good maps. Great guidebook for specific outdoor travel.
July 10th, 2008 by Jordan

The Me No Speak Travel Guide for China is going on year 4 I believe, but they have just recently introduced Japan and Thailand. These guides are pocket sized and full of pictures. Just turn to the color coded page for what you are trying to get (food…transportation….sex?) and point.
I like the fact that most Americans attempt to blend in while visiting Europe and such, but when we go to the East…it’s like…well screw it, I don’t even look the part so I don’t feel nearly as dumb pointing to elementary school pictures to find a toilet. (And for the record…I’m not sure there is a section on sex)
June 9th, 2008 by Jordan

Moon Travel Guides aren’t all that well known. They seem to take a backseat to more popular guidebooks. However their publisher is the largest travel publisher around with big names like Rick Steve’s. Their Guides are mainly for the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, although they have a few for Europe and Asia. I’ve personally had good luck with Moon Guide Books, as they are written with budget travelers and backpackers in mind. Most of the time they try to employ an author who is a local as well as someone who views it as a destination. It works.